This same deceiving Spirit was prevalent during the 2012 election. Romney was too liberal, he was a cultist Mormon, and he wasn’t acceptable. As a result, the booby prize for Evangelicals was the second term of Obama, which gave rise to numerous regulations, laws and dictates that grossly contradict Christian beliefs and values. It is my guess that much of what has occurred during the last four years, would not have occurred during a Romney administration.
I call what is happening to many Evangelicals a Pharisee Spirit because it is judgment that is based upon a faulty premise and accompanied by a spirit of deception. The unsatisfied aggressors seem unable to project forward the impact of their decision and the consequences regarding their party’s attempt to regain the White House. If you do not vote, in essence you are voting for the person with whom you LEAST agree.
What is in it for the far right and Evangelicals if Trump looses to Clinton? As a conservative Evangelical, for the life of me, I cannot determine one good consequence if Clinton wins. The significant differences between the two candidates as depicted below, are massive and in stark contrast:
Clinton: Globalism. This includes a porous border, greater alignment with UN and global initiatives, greater influx of Mideast immigrants.
Trump: Nationalism. This includes protecting borders and placing the interest of American’s as top priority.
Clinton: Large government, bloated bureaucracy’s, increased government spending, additional government control and greater national debt.
Trump: Smaller government, elimination of waste, fraud and abuse, balancing the budget.
Clinton: Liberal Supreme Court Justices that lead to less of a Judeo-Christian nation.
Trump: Conservative Supreme Court Justices, along with his commitment to reaffirm Christianity.
Clinton: Obamacare on steroids; Universal Health Care, and ultimately a one payer system.
Trump: Eradication of Obamacare, completing policies across state lines, a pool of funds to make sure that the destitute have equal opportunity for health.
Clinton: Greater control of education via Dept. of Education
Trump: Placing the format and agenda of education in the hands of the States.
Clinton: Continued dependence upon EPA and other government agencies to further restrict commerce.
Trump: Cutting back on unnecessary regulations that thwart small business.
Clinton: Taxes remaining high across the board.
Trump: Simplifying the tax code and reducing taxes on small businesses.
Clinton: National minimum wage
Trump: Wages established by counties based upon demographics and business climate.
Clinton: Political correctness will expand with Judeo-Christian values being assaulted, and Christians being the ones most negatively affected.
Trump: Political correctness will be buffeted from the top down and perhaps a new way of looking at the world will be set forth.
Clinton: National security will remain nebulous, and rebuilding the military will not be a priority.
Trump: National security and rebuilding the military will be a top priority.
Clinton: Rebuilding our infrastructure, as with Obama, will be mostly a talking point. Our roads, bridges and inner cities are likely to continue to deteriorate.
Trump: Will put an emphasis on rebuilding America from the inner cities outward.
The differences are quite stark and you can discern for yourself, what is in it for the far right and Evangelicals if Clinton wins the upcoming election. Ironically, in the last two elections, there was almost as clear a distinction between McCain/Romney and Obama, yet approximately 6,000,000 Evangelicals voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Clearly lack of discernment and spiritual blindness in full bloom. If for no other reason: Obama/Clinton: Pro abortion upon demand, and Obama for sure was in favor of late term abortion while in the Senate.
Trump: Pro life and open to providing women with options when life threatening issues are in play.
One would think that in the previous two elections, the Obama abortion position along with all the information presented by Dinesh D’Souza, scores of websites and numerous commentators, would have swayed the Evangelicals to vote Republican. Yet it didn't...and it will be interesting to see if the previous points are sufficient to sway Far Right Conservatives and Evangelicals to vote for Trump, or will history repeat itself.
Currently,i t looks like we are getting ready to repeat the folly of the past, using the same bankrupt rationalizations. . Why...because many Christians are spiritually bankrupt, deceived, judgmental to a fault, and bound by a Pharisaical spirit.
Conclusion: “A house divided against itself cannot stand” (Mark 3:25). I suggest that you have a conference call with yourself and decide which candidate you want to see in the White House. One of them is indeed going to become President; you will live in the world of your own choosing, so get behind one and do all you can to help vault that person into the White House. No decision is a decision to vote for the person with whom you LEAST agree.
As we conclude, I have three hopes:
- Every person who reads this post will VOTE.
- Every politician in America will read one of the In-Syncness books.
- You will read the In-Syncness book that is most appropriate for you.
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