Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Russia’s End Game in Syria

Amazingly, most of the people I hear on the news seem perplexed regarding Russia’s end game in Syria and the Middle-East. Based upon reports, insights from the Scriptures, and common sense, it seems that Russia is striving to accomplish the following objectives:
  1. Maintain Assad’s rule; Russia’s entry point to the Middle East.    
  2. Cause chaos in the Middle East. That usually means a rise in the price of oil,  which is good for Russia as its main export is oil.     
  3. Pave the way for Iran’s military presence in Syria and northern Iraq. Secure their position as a major player regarding polices that impact the Middle East; the place of critical waterways that transport oil to the world. 
  4. Secure their position as a major player regarding polices that impact the Middle East; the place of critical waterways that transport oil to the world.
  5. Maintain a warm water port in Tartus, Syria, likely to never leave the area. 
  6. Maintain a large air presence in Tartus, Syria; likely to never leave.  
  7. Eliminate the terrorists that are striving to unseat Assad. This includes ISIS and the so called “moderate rebels” fighting to overthrow Assad.
  8. Legitimize Iran as a force to help maintain peace in the Middle East.  
  9. Establish territory for Assad to control that will include Damascus and Aleppo as well as other territory within an imaginary line that runs north to south across the nation.  This line will intersect with Jordan in the south and Turkey in the north. 
  10. By mid 2016, Russian and Iranian troops will subdue the moderate rebels and topple ISIS headquarters. This will greatly weaken ISIS and take the spotlight off of them to some degree. Many ISIS fighters will stay in the area and wait for the opportunity to help build the Caliphate again.  

 Once #10 is accomplished, Russia, Iran and possibly Iraq, will police the area formerly held by ISIS.  

For sure, Russia will slam the moderate rebels and ISIS, so they don’t infringe on Assad’s territory to the west. This will enable Russia to maintain its air and naval base in the west of Syria, and make them a permanent, power player in the Middle East. That is Russia’s end game in Syria and the Mideast; to be a permanent military force and shred political force that impacts Middle Eastern territories and policies
If you are not familiar with Islamic prophecy regarding the end of days, I strongly encourage you to google “Islamic end times prophecies” then do some reading.If you really want to understand world conditions it is imperative to understand Islam.

You may be wondering what the mid-east has to do with In-Syncness as a State of Being and Way of Life. This blog gives me an opportunity to provide insights into the future and to alert readers to the importance of being in-sync. As the world becomes more complex and dangerous, it is my opinion that the more in-sync you are, the better the chances for you to experience a life of peace, joy, health and prosperity.   

Find the right In-Syncness book at www.insyncness.com/books  site also includes links to Amazon and B&N.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Do the Next 7 Years Hold for YOU

The Next 7 Years…Prosperity or Poverty

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, in his book The Mystery of the Shemitah, introduced the world to some ancient Jewish concepts (words) that have greatly influenced the thinking of many people. Elul 29 and Shemitah, are the words; even though they are a once every 7 year phenomenon, they have taken on a life of their own. 

Shemitah pertains to a 7 year period that God instituted to guide the Jewish nation into obedience and greater prosperity. On the Jewish calendar, Elul 29 is the last day of the 7th year; thus ending the Shemitah. That event just occurred on September 13, 2015,

Many people were not expecting America to be blessed on this Elul 29. Why? Due to America’s sinful ways, they believe America is going to experience financial chaos, earthquakes, and terrorist activities on Elul 29, 2015. Since none of that occurred, WHAT NOW...

Many, who are aware of the aforementioned, are also aware of the two calves  with the number 7 clearly embossed upon their forehead that were born on the first day of the Shemitah year (September 25, 2014).  Many saw the calves as a sign from God, which parallels the dream of the Egyptian Pharaoh and interpreted by Joseph as 7 prosperous years, followed by 7 lean years.  For me, one of the most interesting aspects of the calves was the way the sign of 7 was interpreted.


The Interpretation of the two calves…

One group believes the calves are a sign from God that parallels the ancient Egyptian story, and America is headed for 7 years of prosperity, followed by 7 years of financial woes. They base their views of the expected WEALTH TRANSFER, when the wealth of the wicked will be transferred to the righteous. For most, that hasn’t happened yet, so it must be in the future.

The other camp believes the two 7s are a sign from God that seven lean years are ahead and America’s best days are behind her. They discard the first 7 years of Pharaoh’s dream and go directly to the second set of 7. They couch their view in the biblical principle that it takes two or three witnesses to confirm a sign from God. Thus, the cows are the two witnesses that confirm imminent, long-term economic chaos.

What camp are you in, or are the two calves irrelevant...

My advice, as always, is somewhere in the middles. Every prudent person knows that the central banks and sovereign nations are on shaky ground, and every prudent person knows that personal prosperity is in many ways a derivative of one’s worldview, attitudes, effort, perspectives, and skill set.

My mission is to introduce as many people as possible to the In-Syncness concepts, principles, and processes; I know these truths are vital for every person during the next 7 years regardless of what the future brings.

Maximize your potential regardless of world conditions and visit our website to find the In-Syncness book that is right for you.  There is a secular version for those whom the calves are irrelevant, and there is a religious version for those who strongly believe the calves may be a message from God.