From his beginnings as a businessman, Donald Trump was a hard charging, wheeler dealer. He greased as many palms as necessary, cut corners where he could, hired workers for the least amount possible, and attempted to garner the greatest profit from every endeavor. His story is the story of countless other entrepreneurs.

Many entrepreneurs have a day of reckoning when they apply for social security income. In their attempt to pay the IRS the least amount, many spend their working career finding innovative ways to minimize their income. Then late in life, when they apply for social security, they have their Trump moment when they learn the will only receive $1,000/mo instead of $2,000/mo.

For Trump it wasn't social security, it was the scrutiny of the presidential process. Much of his past is now out in the open. Perhaps the only remaining issue is...does America need and want an entrepreneur as President. From my perspective, I believe America needs a shrewd, tough business-executive at the helm.

LIFE LESSON: In you are young; build your business life on integrity and excellence. If you are midlife, build the remainder of your business life on integrity and excellence. If you are about to collect social security, you may wish you had built your life on integrity and excellence.

FOR ALL: Own a copy of the best In-Syncness book for you... (links to Amazon/B&N) The value is incalculable